Casino Operator Coup Complete As Wynn Chaperones RNC Cash

Posted: February 2, 2017

Updated: October 6, 2017

Whilst the headlines are full of temporary bans on refugees and whatever insanity Sean Spicer has had to say today behind the scenes Donald Trump has been putting another casino operator into the sort of quiet position of power that consolidates his grip on the former democracy they call America. With Sheldon Adelson at his back and Steve Wynn now in charge of the RNC's money does this spell the end for any hope Bet365 had of breaking into the US market?

Steve Wynn RNC Finance Chief

• Born – Connecticut, US
• Age – 75
• Citizenship – US/Monaco
• Worth – $2.7 billion
• Casinos – Las Vegas/Macau
Making jokes about Donald Trump is like a midget that failed its school exams, it's not big and it's not clever. He writes most of them himself, and those he doesn't pen are thrown out as softballs by his staff. From Spicer to Conway they're all apt to provide yet more joke fodder almost every time they open their mouths and start spewing “alternative facts” as if they weren't what the rest of us call “lies”. Sadly these bizarre utterances just deflect from the US having fallen to a coup led by a casino operator.

Donald Trump, of course, is the world's most famous failed casino operator (just ask Chris Christie or anyone in Atlantic City) however somewhat unfortunately he has managed to gain more suckers in politics than he ever did in his gaming businesses, his campaign having gambled, and won, on the principle that US citizens are far more nationalistic than sensible. This has left many in the US gambling laws governing the checks and balances on government will be strong enough. They're not.

Bet365 May Be Banned From US Under Trump

Those of us that enjoy recreational gambling might perhaps be tempted to take heart from the fact that a casino operator now sits in the White House. It could be easy to ignore the fact he only got there through the aid of a foreign power, the support of the secret police* and mammoth quantities of deceit and lies. After all, he might make things easier for us. The problem is that Trump isn't the only one in the mix, with some of the biggest casino owners standing right behind him, or even working with him.

Sheldon Adelson Trump Donor

• Born – Massachusetts, US
• Age – 83
• Citizenship – US
• Worth – $32.2 billion
• Casinos – Vegas/Pennsylvania
• Casinos – Macau/Singapore
US gambling news headlines have often quoted Sheldon Adelson and his desire to roll back civilized society by a few decades to when people could only gamble at his casinos. The aging casino operator spent millions trying to get internet gambling on sites like Bet365 made illegal with his RAWA bills, and has been one of the biggest contributors to Donald Trump's campaign working on the fund raising for the inauguration. He will not have done this for nothing. His reward could well be a new RAWA.

Casino Operator Steve Wynn Named RNC Finance Chairman

That Sheldon Adelson would support Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton isn't really a surprise. What might come as a surprise is discovering age old rival to Trump Steve Wynn is going to be named as Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. This would put the purse strings of the ruling party in America in the hands of another casino operator, a casino operator who threw Tom Ford cosmetics from his casinos after the designer made unflattering comments about Melanoma Trump.

Donald Trump Sheldon Adelson
Donald Trump and Sheldon Adelson (Photo: LobeLog)

Does this mean that Republicans who don't toe the Trump line will face a tough time getting money for the midterms? You can bet on it. With the Democrats in disarray, the media unable to keep up and a cluster of merciless alt-right cronies like Steve Bannon at his side, the failed casino operator has completed his coup and it is unlikely to be a pleasant change for those that like to bet on sports in the US - unless they sat through the Hunger Games wondering what odds Bet365 would give the little girl.

* The US is the only country in the world with a secret police who aren't secret. They're called the FBI.
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