FIFA Hands Suarez Four Month International Ban from All Football Activities


Posted: June 26, 2014

Updated: October 4, 2017

Luis Suarez given a four month ban for biting Chiellini, creating a negative ripple effect with sponsors for the Uruguay international.

The Uruguay international is unable to tame his demons, as the latest incident marks the third time he has bitten an opponent. FIFA has acted accordingly and relayed a punishment that will cause not only footballing problems for him, but also create issues with his personal sponsors.

Many experts expectations for World Cup is that Uruguay will now be greatly handicapped, since they won’t be able to call upon their star man. Although they might find a way to cope without him, the sport of football has been slightly degraded with his actions.

FIFA ban Suarez

FIFA has decided to hand Suarez a four month ban for his actions during the game against Italy. The verdict that was delivered by FIFA’s independent disciplinary committee and applies to all football-related activities with immediate effect.

Furthermore, he has been banned for nine international games which will see him no longer available to feature for his country at the World Cup. Before the verdict was delivered, the committee’s leader has several options on the table on how to proceed with the appropriate penalty. There were even discussions that he could see a ban of two years or 24-match suspension.

The ruling will surely have grave consequences for his club career, at Liverpool. Before the biting incident, Suarez was linked with a long list of suitors that were vying for his signature. According to online sportsbooks in UK, the most likely destinations were rumored to be Real Madrid and Barcelona.

However, taking into account his unsportsmanlike conduct and a four month ban that will prevent him from featuring for any club side, those transfer links may now be put to rest.

Sponsor problems

Mobile casino gambling firm 888poker have previously signed a deal with Luis Suarez to be their brand ambassador. However in light of recent events involving Suarez, 888 has indicated their frustration with his behavior on the pitch.

The gambling company has been looking at their options after the incident. “Following recent allegations made against Luis Suarez, we are reviewing our relationship with him. We will not tolerate unsporting behavior.”

Suarez’s biggest sponsor Adidas might also consider to get rid of their troubled star. Simon Chadwick, sports business strategy professor at Coventry University, shared his experienced views on the matter. “I can foresee Adidas saying that’s it. Suarez is testing their limits.”

The German sports apparel provider recently said in a statement, “Adidas is aware of the issue involving Suarez. We await FIFA’s full investigation into this matter and will respond accordingly.” Considering that FIFA has banned him for an extensive amount of time, they might very well reconsider their stance on his future with the company.

Should they decide to let him go, Adidas’ main competitor Nike may take advantage and swoop him away. Paul Swinand, Morningstar Inc. analyst, commented, “Maybe he doesn’t fit with their style, but if Adidas releases him he’s going to go to the opposition. If Nike handles the bad-boy image well, it could be good for sales.”

Suarez bites, punters win

As millions across the globe watched the despicable incident unfold, there were those who were actually celebrating and waiting for a moment like this at the World Cup. Some avid and experienced punters saw the opportunity long before the World Cup commenced.

Gambling news reports that Jonathan Braeck, hailing form Stenungssund in Sweden, secured himself a handsome reward for placing a small bet on Suarez biting someone during the tournament. He bet a meagre 80 Swedish Crowns ($12.04), while now he is able to claim a payout of 14,000 Crowns, nearly $2100.

Breack acknowledges that Suarez was likely to perform some crazy action. “First I thought I’s bet a little more, but a friend said I was just wasting my money. When Italy took over the game you knew that he could go a little crazy. I didn’t think that he would bite, but that he’d do something stupid. Then he did the best stupid thing he could do.”

The lucky winner stated that he plans on going to England to watch a Premier League game in action. Ironically, despite earning a hefty prize on Suarez, Braeck said that he will not be visiting Liverpool but rather he’ll be heading to their main rivals, Manchester United. “It’s a trip to Manchester. I’m going to try to find someone to go with me to Manchester United.”

The Swedish bettor also remarked, “If I had his (Suarez) home address I’d send him a thank-you card. It was very nice of him to bite and give me a trip to Manchester.”

GamingZion has previously correctly predicted that Suarez may be susceptible to blowing up causing him to bite his opponents.

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