National Indian Gaming Association Is To Reveal New Aussie Products
Posted: March 30, 2012
Updated: October 4, 2017
New online gaming products from Australia to be showcased at N.I.G.A. Trade show

Aristocrat, one of the largest land and online gaming suppliers for Australian internet casino sites, is to showcase some of their latest products at the National Indian Gaming Association trade show at the San Diego Convention Centre for four days starting April 1st.
Of the new products – already deemed fully acceptable under the current Australian gambling laws – to be showcased are the very latest technology designed by Aristocrat in land and internet based casino games, system modules and solutions for internet gaming and mobile applications.
Amongst the hottest of their products awaiting the display is the Oasis 360 system, will be fully demonstrated and it’s new functions revealed which are rumored to include a new nLive online gambling gaming system and management program.
Amongst Arisotocrat’s greatest achievements is their ability to lead the way for supplying online material for tribal casinos, including the nLive solution for Island Resort and Casino. The company has also developed a range of player-favourite games along with table and slots classic for the resort, to assist them in branching out.
Amongst some of their newer games to be launched include a hotly awaited sequel to Tarzan Lord of the Jungle. The game entitled, Tarzan and Jane – Forbidden Temple will not follow on from the previous game, and will involve an entirely new story including a range of new features.
Aristocrat are also releasing a dual reel slot game, which is reported to have a minimum bet of $50 and could offer up as much a a $100,000 progressive jackpot payout.
As as the dual Reel Power slot game, Aristocrat will also be pushing out promotions for their iOS mobile gaming applications following the success of their previous apps and internet betting in Australia, with some 300,000 downloads. Up to thirteen new apps are rumored to be showcased, amongst the games and other products at the convention centre.