Seven Easy Ways You Can Bet On The Winter Olympics
Posted: November 26, 2021
Updated: November 26, 2021
We provide a handy quick guide to make selecting and placing your prefered bet on the Winter Olympics at sites like Bet365 far easier.

Image source: Flickr
You can bet on the Winter Olympics arriving with huge fanfare as China hosts this time round. That means you can expect wall to wall coverage on television and some superb opportunities to bet on sports in China. Indeed, whilst these are sports one might not typically consider, Bet365 and other online bookies in China will offer up odds you shouldn’t overlook. So let’s divide this up and break down the odds on the Winter Olympics to make them easier to get to grips with.
1. Bet On Ice Skating
It sounds almost ridiculous. Why would anyone want to check out the ice skating odds? It’s just people of suspect gender twirling around isn’t it? Well partially, yes it is, however there is also the odds on speed skating to consider. Fast paced and with the possibility of crashes a bet on speed skating is every bit as exciting as one on F1. First past the post wins. Nice and easy to understand, hence this is perhaps the easiest bet on the Winter Olympics you can plump for.
2. Check The Skiing Odds
You can bet on skiing featuring heavily in the coverage because of its heritage and tradition. So online betting sites in China like Bet365 will offer a whole array of odds on skiing events. These come in numerous flavors from downhill through to the biathlon. Each one has its quirks and if you’re looking for a bet on the Winter Olympics you could do far worse. So whether you bet on the super G or cross country events, do check out the skiing betting opportunities online.
3. Bobsled Odds & Other Sliding Sports
Naturally, a bet on the bobsled is a simple enough bet on the Winter Olympics. We’ve all seen “Cool Runnings” we know how it works. However, you shouldn’t miss this rare opportunity to bet on the Luge, or even bet on the Skeleton. Including individual, rather than team, events these can be a little easier to gauge ahead of time. It’s far easier to assess the recent performance of a single competitor. So a quick look at the odds on the Luge or Skeleton could be worthwhile.
4. The Odds On Ski Jumping
Online sportsbook sites in China like Bet365 love offering ski jumping odds because they’re so bizarre. You can’t, due to legal constraints, offer up wagers on human suffering, but a loony in lycra throwing himself off a mountain? No problem. Most people will find a bet on ski jumping fun because of the hype surrounding it. This is because the crowds are enthusiastic. Even if they are pretending not to be baying for blood whilst watching young people hurtle to their doom.
5. Bet On Curling
Okay, so the odds on curling aren’t what you might call scintillating. However, whilst the sport itself is all but unwatchable, the competition within it is easy to grasp. These people take it very, very seriously. You only have to look at the rictus of concentration on their faces when curling. Given the levels of careful skill and coordination required this isn’t anywhere near as easy as it looks. So pick from amongst the numerous national teams and back them to win gold at Bet365.
6. Pick Out Some Ice Hockey Odds
Yes, yes, yes, we know, it’s just a brawl with sticks, skates and helmets. However despite the obvious chaos, the discipline issues and the fact you can’t see the puck, they still decide a winner. Where there are winners, there are wagers. Sure, you might never give a bet on ice hockey a thought at any other time, but as a bet on the Winter Olympics? It’s perfect. The odds on ice hockey are easy to understand and if you don’t win every match at least you get to see a fight.

7. Odds On Snowboarding
Okay, I know, a bet on snowboarding is probably only for the younger reader, however, some of those who will take advantage of Chinese gambling laws might enjoy it. Yes, it’s a bit like putting a bet on BMX bike racing or Esports, but snowboarding isn’t going anywhere. That’s why Bet365 etc. offer such in-depth snowboarding odds. They know in the future far more hip youthful types will want to bet on the Winter Olympics so they can back their favorite boarders.
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We take a look at seven easy ways you can bet on the Winter Olympics as the skiers, skaters, sliders and snowboards head for China.