Seven Tips on How to Survive Brexit and Profit from It

Posted: August 12, 2019

Updated: August 12, 2019

With the ever growing possibility of No Deal being reached in time here are some tips on how to survive Brexit.

Brexit will have a major effect on the UK, on its economy and its people, and if you’re watching the latest developments in politics betting parliament and the EU will come to a last minute deal you better think again. Anyone in the UK gambling laws of common sense might save everyone from this exercise needs to take a look at the odds on Bet365. Brexit will happen, and when it does you’re going to be be prepared, so here’s our tips on how to survive Brexit and profit from it.
  1. Stockpile

How To Survive Brexit
You might need to stockpile the things that you can't survive without including fruits (Image source: Coffee Danube Still Life Photography - Flickr)
The reliance of British supply chains on Europe is massive. With up to a third of fresh food alone crossing the channel any delays at the ports due to an increase in paperwork, inspections or other regulatory obfuscation could be disastrous. A stockpile of food, medicines, or toiletries that might be effected is a good way to ensure you’re cushioned against the immediate effects and is the central core of how to survive Brexit. The sooner the better, panic buying is likely to set in later.
  1. Organize

How To Survive Brexit
Will Brexit be a fun-fair for the UK citizens? (Image source: (Photo by A1C Christopher R. Morales on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson)
When asking how to survive Brexit a lot of people think too small. Mankind is at its best when cooperating with each other so remember you’re not alone. You can always bet on sports in the UK to end in a fight, well the social unrest that some have predicted will arrive after Brexit will make that look like a picnic. Therefore be sure to organize with your friends and neighbours so that you can work together to stay warm, fed and, above all, safe, in the troubling times ahead. 
  1. Capitalize

This might look a little incongruous on a list of tips on how to survive Brexit however in a nation where the major retailers are facing supply issues, prices are rising fast and people still have needs to be sated there’s room for a little profit. Those who have stockpiled the ingredients for making bread, for instance, could find that they’ve used their loaf when they become an ad hoc supply of one of life’s little necessities. There’s no need to profiteer, but profit? It’s only natural.
  1. Militarize

How To Survive Brexit
Will there be a need for a paramilitary organization (Image source: U.S. Military [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)
It’s lamentable but anyone considering how to survive Brexit may need to face the horrific possibility that the UK as a nation state might collapse entirely. A break down in public order of this magnitude would require those interested in maintaining any sort of civilization to take on the hierarchy and efficient expedients of a paramilitary organization. It is therefore sensible for you to arm yourself immediately. Your local drug dealers will have access to firearms for sale. 
  1. Stop Brexit

How To Survive Brexit An obvious and necessary inclusion on our list of seven tips on how to survive Brexit this is perhaps the one most likely to cause the greatest consternation. It should go without saying that if Brexit doesn’t happen you will survive it, however there will be those that will instantly rail against any such notion. That Brexit is an unstoppable juggernaut is a misnomer, even the prices at online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 indicate that. Not that halting it will be easy.
  1. Move Abroad

Yes, that’s right, running away. On our list of tips on how to survive Brexit this one is perhaps the least honorable, but does benefit from the virtue of avoiding lots of the messy implications to come. Whether or not you can gain an EU passport, there are still a whole host of other countries in the world you could reside in, many of them with far better weather. It might seem a massive upheaval, but the alternative could be shortages, strikes, riots, and watching Boris Johnson fail.  
  1. Bet On It

How To Survive Brexit With online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 offering up a whole selection of books on the matter, from the rationing of milk to the closing of the channel tunnel, one of the ways in which you can profit from Brexit is to place suitable wagers on the negative outcomes you may have to endure. These sums won can then offset any hardship you might face by actually having to endure them, and on our list of tips on how to survive Brexit that might just be the best of all. 
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