The Odds On Boris Johnson Surviving Long Slide A Little
Posted: November 18, 2021
Updated: November 18, 2021
Tory Sleaze Row Extends To The Front Benches
Find All Your Odds On Boris Johnson At Bet365
Starmer Finds His Feet As Conservatives Stumble

Boris Johnson in 2016 – Image source: Flickr
They started out just trying to defend a single sleazy colleague from due punishment. That effort has now backfired so badly the odds on Boris Johnson remaining leader long on Bet365 etc. are slipping. As the press continue to focus on the party and its money matters some Conservatives are questioning his long term value. After all you can always bet on politics in the UK to forgive failure. It does that quite often. But feathering your own nest? No, people tend to frown on that.
Who knew defending Owen Paterson was going to open such a can of worms? You can bet on the Conservatives regretting it more and more with each passing day. In trying to protect him they have opened the way for a scrutiny they simply can’t weather. Oh sure, it was probably all technically legal. It just won’t look good. Especially not to an electorate who are facing rising prices, shortages and the onset of Christmas. Hence the drop in odds on Boris Johnson staying.
Yes, he’s popular, but how long will that last? If the press pump out more revelations you can bet on the Labour Party making the most of it. Especially as details now emerge as to the apparent favors front benchers did for their chums in business. Online sportsbook sites in the UK won’t be giving out very good odds on Boris Johnson fighting the next election as leader if this gets worse. And it may. Yesterday it was Geoffrey Cox, today it’s Michael Gove, next week? Who knows.
Conservatives Mire Themselves In Sleaze Again
Geoffrey Cox pretending he was serving as an MP was laughable. He sat on a beach in the British Virgin Islands earning £700,000 extra for legal work defending a tax haven. Is it against the rules? No. So the odds on Boris Johnson caring were always quite small. The tone changes, however, when you look at Michael Gove. He gave one of his supporters a ‘VIP Lane’ referral. A supporter who had given £60,000 to the party coffers. Then they gave him a PPE contract worth £164m.
Next Tory Leader Odds
- Priti Patel – 33/1
- Liz Truss – 25/1
- Dominic Raab – 16/1
- Sajid Javid – 16/1
- Jeremy Hunt – 12/1
- Michael Gove – 8/1
- Keir Starmer – 7/2
- Rishi Sunak – 2/1
That’s just corruption pure and simple. Naturally, both Gove and the company concerned deny all wrong-doing. However, it does look just a little suspicious. Sure, it’s within the letter of the law but perhaps not quite within the spirit of it. Now online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 will have to change their odds on Boris Johnson going. Boris loathes Gove, and Gove wants Boris’s Job. If this story kills off Gove’s chances of ascending to the leadership, Boris may go willingly.

Bet365 Has All The Odds On Boris Johnson And Keir Starmer
Now some will point out that the odds on the Conservatives remain favorable, whilst the odds on the Labour Party languish. However, this is beginning to change. Sure, you can’t bet on Keir Starmer suddenly developing a personality. That would take radical surgery and a miracle. However, he is starting to strike a chord highlighting the government’s self-interest trumping the national interest. Not that the odds on Keir Starmer are really any better than the odds on Boris Johnson.
Odds On Boris Johnson Exit Date
- 2021 – 33/1
- 2023 – 3/1
- 2022 – 7/4
- 2023+ – 2/5
Keir Starmer may not last till the election either. If he fails to score now with the government on the ropes Andy Burnham will be leader before he can blink. Indeed anyone in the UK gambling laws of common sense would see both parties reselect leaders prior to the next election may prove correct. So before you rush off to take up the odds on Boris Johnson at online bookies in the UK like Bet365, remember, this sleaze row could get far, far worse before it gets better.
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We take a look at how the sleaze row is finding ever more victims making the odds on Boris Johnson surviving as leader lengthen by the day.