The week in pictures: October 21st – 27th, 2014
Posted: October 28, 2014
Updated: June 4, 2017

The trials and tribulations of the world came into stark relief last week as around the globe there didn\’t seem a moment\’s respite from the headlines
South African Para-Olympian Oscar Pistorius was found guilty of “culpable homicide” and sentenced to five years in prison by Judge Thokozile Masipa for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentines day in 2013. The epic trial came to a conclusion with the five gold medal winning athlete being driven away to Pretoria\’s infamous Kgosi Mampuru prison where it is expected he\’ll serve at least 10 months of his sentence in a single isolated cell in the medical unit.
Talking of sentences, the Queen managed to tap one out in London\’s Science Museum as she sent her first ever tweet whilst opening a new gallery that focuses on the information age. Like many first time twitter users she was a tad verbose saying “It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R.” but doubtless she\’ll get more pithy in as time goes on.
And as time goes on the hysteria in the US over the Ebola virus continues unabated which has resulted in the forceable 3 week quarantining of a nurse, Kaci Hickox, by Chris Christie\’s New Jersey. Having returned from West Africa where she\’d been treating Ebola patience the young nurse was subjected to an interrogation that made her sweat, at which point she was frog marched off into isolation despite testing negative for the disease. She\’s rightfully taking legal action against this stupidity.
Stupidity, of course, isn\’t limited to the US and in Ottawa, Canada, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shot and killed one of the ceremonial guards on duty at the National War Memorial before single-handedly storming the Parliament building where he was shot and killed by 58 year old Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers. A radicalized Canadian, Zehaf-Bibeau had sought a passport to travel to Syria but had been refused, which police say may have prompted his action.
It was of course all action in sports last week with the MLB World Series continuing to be an absolute stormer. The Giants are 3 -2 ahead going into the final two games in Missouri, but don\’t think the Royals are out of it yet, this one has been close, so keep an eye on the ball(game) with our daily news pages as we find out this week who\’ll take home the title, but for now lets look back at some of the images that made it onto our pages last week.
1. MGM Resorts are getting rid of their less interesting Gold Strike casino in Nevada. What’s strange though is that someone actually offered to buy it!
2. GamingZion found the business model that has made Singapore casinos wildly successful. The figures speak for themselves.
3. Vancouver casinos have taken center focus as reports shown that they served as facilities through which millions passed in through suspicious transactions.
4. Any player can get lucky at slots or roulette, but a few youngsters have proved that it takes intelligence and learning-power to become good at poker.
5. The two greatest footballers aim to break more records as they both want to claim the title of the Champions League top goal-scorer.
6. Bruno “Foster” Politano received immense support from Brazilian sportsmen for his entrance into the November Nine of WSOP Main Event.
7. The NFL trade deadline could bring some major changes to the league’s pecking order. Gaming Zion took an in-depth look at some potential blockbuster deals.
Meanwhile Alan Eustace, an executive at Google, broke the record for highest parachute jump ever by plummeting from 135,000 feet up and surviving, whilst the news agency AP reported numerous Nazi War Criminals were bribed to leave the US by retaining their social security payments long after they\’d gone. Will the government be handing out any more of your cash to dodgy people that should be brought to justice? Find out on GamingZion\’s daily news.