What Does A Casino Pit Boss Do?
Posted: December 13, 2019
Updated: January 2, 2020
Somebody's watching me!
Gotta a problem. Here's the pit boss...
Lots of paperwork

So, what does a casino pit boss do? Is it your dream job? Think of some of the characters in Martin Scorsese movie, Casino. Changing out the card decks, throwing out the drunks, pointing out the cheaters and doing a lot of paperwork.
Introduction: What Does A Casino Pit Boss Do?
Back in the day, the pit boss was the casino manager. Today, with the growth of mega casinos, his job is less well defined. (And with online casinos like the Vegas Crest Casino, there’s no such job). He’s the guy who is now called the pit manager. His “pit” is the number of tables under his eye. He’ll probably watch a few table games. He also watches the dealers for errors, and managers all the floor supervisors, who are themselves watching the games and the dealers in that particular pit.

Casino Pit Boss: Your Responsibilities
He also ensures that all the rules and regulations are followed to the tee. (Even online casinos have rules and regulations, check out this list of online casinos in the US). Ensuring proper procedures, handling payoffs and ensuring that guest have a great time. In all countries, banking and gambling regulations go hand in hand with a huge amount of paperwork. And it all falls on the shoulders of the pit boss.
My Way or the Highway
Because the casino pit boss is the final authority if any disputes or errors occur, he needs to have a thorough understanding of all the table rules and regulations. Just like in the movie, Casino, on the casino floor, he has the duty manager or casino manager above him, and he’ll call on them if a dispute becomes escalated. Apart from the responsibility of floor management which includes things like credit, game protection, comps, surveillance, and the pencil (the daily dealer table scheduling and staffing), he also has a ton of paperwork.

Save The Trees
This is the unseen and certainly glamorous part of the job. Unlike an online casino like Vegas Crest Casino, the sheer amount of paperwork required to run a casino is nuts. Casino pit bosses have the responsibility of dealer schedules, vacations, daily shifts and shift changes, personal time off and regular scheduling. Then there is the coaching and regular staff reviews. They are also in charge of training in game protection, coaching, guest interaction and floor paperwork. This includes guest and table wins and losses and proper procedures for credits, fills and table inventory. Cheating methods and scams are also part and parcel of training as the supervisors need to keep up to date with the latest methods tricksters are using. Though today they deal with cheats more kindly than in bygone days.
Casino Pit Boss: Your Remuneration
The working day for a casino pit boss is normally a standard 8 hour shift with three or four breaks. Pay wise, well, you’ll be getting more than the box men who watch the games. If you’re handling most of the above duties, expect around $24 per hour to start. Some pit bosses get an “envelope” which is a tiny cut from what the dealer takes. It all depends on the establishment. Here are some established online casinos in the US. You can gamble without the ever watchful eye of the pit boss peering over your shoulder! Or even with hot babes!