Articles About mobile phones

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Top Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Banned In Casinos

Top Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Banned In Casinos

Jonathan December 31, 2024 19:16:18

No casino wants to lose money. So they're not going to take any chances when it comes to allowing mobile phones onto their premises. Remember that a land-based casino is private property. Meaning the owners set the rules. In virtually all casinos, this means a complete ban on the use of mobile phones at the games tables.

Increase Your Wins With A Roulette Payout Cheat Sheet

Increase Your Wins With A Roulette Payout Cheat Sheet

Jonathan January 30, 2024 18:35:15

For those of you just beginning your casino and gambling adventures, it's important to have as much knowledge and as many tricks as possible close at hand. If roulette is your game of choice, then a roulette payout cheat sheet is a great means of helping to understand your betting possibilities, as well as keeping up with the action.

The Dumbness of Smartphones

The Dumbness of Smartphones

Vera T. May 15, 2015 05:38:14

Dumb defects of so-called “smart” phones – are they really worth the money? Remember how absolutely gorgeous your phone was when you first took it out of the box? The touch of cold metal on your fingertips and the shiny new screen? All those perfectly rounded edges and that surreal glistening? Hopefully, people can recall […]