Articles About playing cards

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Top Winning Casino Tricks To Ensure You Win More

Top Winning Casino Tricks To Ensure You Win More

Jonathan January 26, 2024 21:40:12

To be honest, there are no guaranteed winning casino tricks to consistently win at casinos, as games are designed with a house edge. However, strategies like responsible gambling, setting limits, and understanding odds can enhance your experience and maybe increase your winning chances. But there's no foolproof way to ensure consistent wins.

The Psychology Behind Why Casino Card Tables Are Green

The Psychology Behind Why Casino Card Tables Are Green

Jonathan October 17, 2023 18:15:36

Have you ever thought about the connection between the colour of the baize on a snooker table and the colour of casino gaming tables? You'll notice that they are both green. In facty, pretty much the same shade of green. Why is this? Well, the answer is that one followed the other. However, that's not the whole answer. Green also has some psychological effects on players.

The Psychology Of Luck At Online Casinos

The Psychology Of Luck At Online Casinos

Jonathan October 9, 2023 17:54:02

Many people see a link between luck and preordained fate. They believe that luck can be manipulated into falling under their control. That's why gamblers beleive so strongly in rituals and superstitions. By making a wish, the numbers will turn to their favour. Though this is not going to work in practice, there is some truth in the fact that just by delieving in something, it may well happen.

Card Shark vs Card Sharp

Card Shark vs Card Sharp

Jonathan November 27, 2019 11:29:53

So, which is it....card shark vs card sharp? Who would you call a "card shark"? Probably a person who's good at playing cards. Well, the word "shark" is synonymous with success. And predator. Thanks to that steely hunter like focus. So then, what is a "card sharp"?