Our Wager Of The Week Winner: Jeb Bush

Posted: February 17, 2016

Updated: May 25, 2017

Wager Of The Week

• Jeb Bush brings Bro on board
• G.W. Bush to stump for Jeb
• 2.8% in Iowa, 11% in NH

It takes a special sort of self-entitled arrogance to still be in a US Presidential Race when your poll numbers are so low you couldn’t limbo under them and the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary have spoken, but it takes a true gambling spirit to think that bringing your brother, G.W. Bush out to campaign for you will make things better, and that’s why this week our Wager of the Week winner, is Jeb Bush.

He got a whopping 2.8% of the Iowa Caucus vote, and just 11% in New Hampshire (Trump getting over three times that). And yet Jeb still thinks he has a shot at the White House, and believes that can be enhanced by having his brother hit the campaign trail to drum up support. A true Hail Mary of politics this is a gamble on a mammoth scale. G.W. Bush, let us remember, might well have been President but no one is about to claim he was very good at it.

9/11, two failed wars, torture, corruption and an inability to eat a pretzel or ride a bicycle without endangering one’s own life is hardly the stuff of which Presidencies should be made, but apparently Jeb Bush believes his brother will be an asset to the campaign (making him our Wager of the Week winner). Oh and if you’re in the US gambling laws of nature will quickly prove this to be a wholly erroneous belief, think again, delusion tends not to let facts get in the way.

Jeb Bush Is Our Wager Of The Week Winner

Bet365, the go to site for anyone wishing to gamble on anything, has Jeb Bush at a scant 18/1 to get the White House and a rather unlikely 7/1 to take the nomination for the Republican party, but stranger things have happened, and you have to wonder, why is Jeb still in this race? Is he going for a Vice President slot? I doubt it. None of the others would have him on their ticket, so just what is keeping him running to nowhere fast? He must just believe because his name is Bush it’s bound to happen.

Time, and the unlikely figure of Donald Trump in concert with Republican voters, it seems, will prove him wrong, and whilst he is our Wager of the Week winner, it would appear awfully unlikely that having his dummy brother stump for him will be a turning point in his fortunes as the election circus heads for South Carolina and Nevada, it’s a big gamble but I won’t be gambling news of it paying off will be forthcoming in the poll results next week.

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