Don’t Bet On Boris Johnson To Really Tackle Climate Change
Posted: August 26, 2021
Updated: August 26, 2021
The Cop26 report into climate change read like a horror novel. Or a holiday brochure for Greece. The planet faces an existential crisis. Not that you should bet on Boris Johnson noticing. He’s facing an existential crisis of his own. He knows only too well his days are numbered. So, climate change isn’t his burning issue. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are already offering short odds on the next UK Prime Minister, which is why Boris is trying to get rid of his rivals.

Image source: Flickr
The Cop26 report into climate change read like a horror novel. Or a holiday brochure for Greece. The planet faces an existential crisis. Not that you should bet on Boris Johnson noticing. He’s facing an existential crisis of his own. He knows only too well his days are numbered. So, climate change isn’t his burning issue. Online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 are already offering short odds on the next UK Prime Minister, which is why Boris is trying to get rid of his rivals.
Denying manmade climate change is getting harder and harder. Nations around the globe face sweltering summers, massive wildfires and rising sea levels. As an island nation reliant on the gulf-stream, you’d thus expect the British to worry about this. They probably do. Unfortunately, however, you can’t bet on Boris Johnson, the PM, to do much more than gibber about it. He’s got other priorities. He’s far too busy worrying over the odds on Rishi Sunak taking his job away.
Which explains why Boris Johnson tried to take Rishi Sunak’s job away. Of course when he threatened that Tory MPs quickly backed the Chancellor. That’s why you should bet on Boris Johnson losing his job quite soon. When the fiscally conservative wing of the Tory party turns on you, you’re toast. Indeed, you’ll find a bet on Rishi Sunak ascending to No.10 is going for just 3/1 at online betting sites in the UK like Bet365. Just don’t expect Boris to just roll over.
Bet365 Lets You Back Boris’ Rivals For Leadership
In the same way you can bet on Boris Johnson to ignore the climate problems, he’ll definitely not go quietly. Power is all Boris has ever wanted. He won’t go without a fight. Which is why all of the potential rivals need step carefully. One slip now and Boris will use it as an excuse to ditch them. Not everyone featured in the odds on the next UK Conservative leader has the same support as Rishi. That’s why he’s 11/5 to lead the Tories next. Something Boris must loathe.
Odds On The Next UK PM
- Andy Burnham – 25/1
- Liz Truss – 25/1
- Sajid Javid – 16/1
- Dominic Raab – 16/1
- Jeremy Hunt – 12/1
- Michael Gove – 8/1
- Keir Starmer – 7/2
- Rishi Sunak – 2/1
- See more at bet365…
So the only question is now when you should bet on the Conservatives to dump Boris. You certainly shouldn’t bet on Keir Starmer taking advantage. A bet on the Labour Party is just not a good idea right now. Of course if you wait till the effects of Brexit really kick in you’ll probably find the odds on the Labour Party far lower. Not that you ought bet on Boris Johnson to fight the next election. Those who like to bet on sports in the UK will spot team Boris is on the slide now.

Bet On Boris Johnson Going Sooner Rather Than Later
Of course, the odds on the Conservatives managing to swap leader without some opposition is slight. Someone will challenge Rishi, however unlikely they are to win. Which means we’ll get to see the governing party of the nation attack itself for a few weeks. Again. Usually this would present a few issues, but with the Labour Party adrift, probably not. Whilst you can bet on Boris Johnson to pounce on the enfeebled, the odds on Keir Starmer even recognizing opportunity are massive.
Bet On The Next Conservative Leader
- James Cleverly – 28/1
- Tom Tugendhat – 25/1
- Oliver Dowden – 20/1
- Priti Patel – 16/1
- Sajid Javid – 14/1
- Dominic Raab – 12/1
- Liz Truss – 12/1
- Jeremy Hunt – 8/1
- Michael Gove – 6/1
- Rishi Sunak – 2/1
So a bet on the next UK Prime Minister is really quite a tempting wager. Rishi Sunak looks a shoo-in with only time between him and No.10. Yes you can bet on Boris Johnson to kick and scream, but the Tories want him to carry the can. Preferably just when life gets back to normal. They’re just awaiting their moment. So, if you’re going to take advantage of UK gambling laws to bet on the Premier League perhaps do check out the odds on Boris Johnson. Or better, his rivals.
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We take a look at why you can bet on Boris Johnson to side-step the issue of climate change and focus instead on his own survival.