How IoT Transforms Online Gambling: The Technology of 2021
Posted: March 30, 2021
Updated: March 30, 2021
IoT refers to a technology called the "Internet of Things"
With smartphones and smarthomes we already use it in various ways
Find our insight on how IoT will transform online gambling

Technologies such as Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual reality (VR) are changing the scenario of how one can gamble in an online casino. This article will explore how online casinos can use IoT and how it is likely to transform the online gambling industry.
IoT is short for the “internet of things”. This technology has generated a lot of interest in recent years. Tech companies and marketing companies alike use and adapt IoT, and it has been around in our lives even before we knew about it. Luckily, the explanation of IoT is a lot simpler than the complexity of blockchain networks, or artificial intelligence. The Internet of Things basically refers to a digital network of objects and items connected via the internet. In other words, we could say that IoT is a cloud that connects actual physical items not just our online activity. Such devices typically have software and sensors tailored to connectivity and exchange of information with other devices over an internet connection. Learn how IoT transforms online gambling in 2021.
What is IoT?
The most basic examples are our smartphones. In recent year, we have managed to connect all of our gadgets to our smartphones. The idea of the smart home for example is a form of IoT technology. Devices and appliances like fridges, televisions, sound systems, lights, alarms, thermostats, and more can be connected and controlled by associated devices. A smartphone, or smart speaker, can be used to switch things on and off, set timers, or carry out other functions. IoT has facilitated robust machine-to-machine communication, eliminating the need for human intervention. In the case of online casinos in the UK, we can see how this could be quite beneficial. Apart from a well-connected system, however, IoT can be used for a lot more and has not yet been explored to its full potential. Our guess is that IoT will transform the online gambling industry.

How IoT can be implemented into online gambling platforms
IoT allows online players and players in physical casinos to connect. This, in itself, should not be the craziest invention, however, IoT’s real potential is in gathering data. The gathered data on players will increase, thus enabling a greater level of personalization. Especially, IoT together with AI and Big Data can revolutionise the quantity and quality of collected data on customers. This will allow even more developed marketing strategies for online gambling sites in the UK. Our articles have previously covered the connection between online gambling and AI in more detail. In recent years, online casinos have experienced a significant shift from desktop games to mobile games. IoT advanced devices will help players play their favourite games without a hitch and deliver another dimension to the online gambling sphere.
We have already talked about mobile and smartphone-friendly casinos taking over the online gambling industry. The usage of IoT is increasing with the usage of mobile devices as they are closely connected. The design of smartphones and tablets contain multiple cameras, touch IDs, even heart rate monitors, thus, endless available data on the user. By tracking the appropriate data, online gaming platforms could determine an ideal way to monitor customers and see how they respond to internet games. By having more internet devices, game operators and casinos will have more tools for player-engagement at their disposal. Of course, this amount of personal data gathering raises a lot of legal and ethical questions IoT users and online casinos have to comply with. Legislations heavily determine how IoT will transform online gambling.
Legal questions of IoT and online gambling
The Internet of Things technology needs to consider the legal issues related to data protection laws. IoT is not an exception from privacy and security risks. The main issue to consider is how IoT uses personal profiling based on the gathered data. Users give out a lot of personal information, and while some of that can be used to improve services and marketing, we have to cross legal lines. To protect data on personal information, this should be a transparent process on the provider’s part. Because, the IoT system allows transferring data, including personal data, on the Internet. In this interconnected world, the protection of data has become really difficult because it gets transferred between multiple devices. One moment, it is stored in mobile, the next minute it is on the cloud. All this data is transferred or transmitted over the internet, which can lead to data leak.

IoT and the good sides: marketing and player engagement
Online casinos can use the data they collected in many good ways. For example, marketing campaigns. Machine learning algorithms can analyse the customer’s data and identify patterns. Therefore make predictions of future gambling behaviour and then present the best gambling options for the user. This information is also a good way to use for online casino promotions in the UK. By this, customers can get the best offers and bonuses. Another important feature could be for physical casinos and their online extensions. IoT becomes a bridge between the brick and mortar casino brands and their online versions. When engaging with mobile casinos such as CyberSpins Casino, casino operators can gather data on your online preferences.
How IoT transforms online gambling: Conclusion
The Internet of Things offers a well-connected network of devices. Online casino operators like CyberSpins Casino can gather data on your activities from multiple devices. Especially when it comes to mobile gambling and casinos, IoT is very beneficial. This, of course, rightfully used for customer experience and satisfaction. Together with machine learning and artificial intelligence IoT can deliver new technologies into the world of online gambling. However, since in our time data is the most valuable currency, effective data protection should be in place. To this end, we recommend you checking privacy policy before engaging with any online activity, including gambling.
You can discover more about CyberSpins Casino here.