Mobile Gambling Apps
Posted: February 11, 2020
Updated: March 30, 2020
Mobile gambling apps are faster than the old PC
You can sports bet live at the match
Use your phone betting apps to bet anywhere

So what exactly are mobile gambling apps? Today you can do everything from the screen of your mobile phone. Check the weather, set the thermostat at home and order you shopping. In fact, you’re a good chance that you’re actually reading this on your trusty mobile. So it’s only a small step from all those activities, to being able to have a flutter.
Introduction: Mobile Gambling Apps
Online gambling news in the UK says that you can thank the mobile phone for many advances found within the gambling industry today. So many companies are jumping on the mobile gambling app market. With many developing advanced apps to encourage you to use their products. The main advantage is that the phone is ever ready. You can access it from virtually anywhere. For sports betters, these apps are an industry changer in that you can see the odds instantly, bet quicker and in real time. This has created brand new revenue streams for many operators like Bet365 Sportsbook.
Mobile Gambling Sites
Before there were betting apps, there was the mobile friendly optimization of standard sites. These were read via your browser which was often whilst tethered to your PC. But as smart phone technology made advances in the phone experience, it wasn’t long before apps started to gain the upper hand. This new form of gambling has allowed the player to interact more with the game operator. Thus mobile gaming instantly opened the door to more money. Bare in mind that many apps are rushed to market. Many will not give you the fluid game play or ease of use coupled with dependability. But also keep in mind we’re still operating in early day mode.
However, there are a lot of opportunities nowadays for example you can even start playing live dealer casino games on your mobile phone.
Mobile Casino Sites
Thanks to the ongoing software development, downloading offerings from Java to Flash and now moving to HTML5, all players can have the same experience they would of achieved via their PC. To that end, it’s probably casino players who have really felt the benefits of this new and faster technology. Playing Slots or Table Games are a perfect fit, both in terms of game play, but also how good they look on the mobile phone’s screen. Whether your game of choice is Poker, Blackjack or Baccarat, you get the same thrill playing today on your phone as you did before when playing on your PC. The other factor is that you can take your game with you. On the bus or train, you can still experience the thrill of real money games.
Mobile Betting Sites
If you’re a sports gambler then you rely on the most up to date information to make your betting decisions. Use a site like Bet365 Sportsbook and you’ll never be left behind. To this end, when you are looking at a mobile sports betting site, you’ll notice that there are less bells and whistles than you’d find on casino or poker sites. This is simply so that they can run faster serving you just the information you require. You can see the betting odds in real time. Then you simply click on “bet” and your bet is sent to the operator instantly. Have a look at some of these online gambling sites in the UK. Now if your watching tennis or football, you can bet from the stands whilst watching the game. Live betting is certainly opening the door to the future of sports betting.
Legal Hurdles
As with any new form of technology, especially when coupled with gambling, new legislation is sure to be following close on it’s heels. These laws hinder the growth of the industry and effect all forms of online gambling. Take for example the very different approaches between the UK and the US. In the UK, there are 1000’s of apps from hundreds of sites, which are all licensed by the UK government. But in the US, the dearth of States with legalized gambling means that both Apple and Google have not yet allowed gambling apps to be given to the countries users. All countries have their own rules and regulations when it come to online gambling and the use of apps. For example, here at, we have a whole team dedicated to keeping abreast of the latest changes in gambling laws across the globe.
Conclusion: Mobile Gambling Apps
A bigger problem for the sites as opposed to the gamblers is that players like to have many games at their fingertips. To that end, gone are the days of one game per page. These days it can be a little intimidating, as most sites have a plethora or games, including those which may not be so popular. The last few years have seen the rise of gaming apps on mobile devices. Though the use of these is in it’s relative infancy, you can bet your mum’s apple pie that this is the look of the future. With both regulation and new technology following close behind.