You Shouldn’t Bet On Keir Starmer Outlasting Boris Johnson
Posted: February 12, 2021
Updated: February 12, 2021
Bookies Tout Labour Leader Going Before Boris
Bet On Keir Starmer Or Boris Johnson At Bet365
Odds On British Politics Now Hinge On Personas

Image source: Rwendland, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
You have to feel a little sorry for Keir Starmer. He rode to the rescue when the Labour Party needed a more traditional face. Now the bookies seem to bet on Keir Starmer being out of a job before Boris Johnson. Certainly that’s what their odds on UK politics imply. In the current circumstances that’s damning. But why do online sportsbook sites in the UK like Bet365 think he’ll go before the blonde mop-top? Will the Labour Party ever find an electable leader again?
The problem is, if we’re brutally honest about it, the fourth estate. Much of the media in the UK leans to the right, most of it pretty heavily. With a few exceptions then, the Labour Party face a somewhat hostile media landscape. They have for many years. Successive Labour Leaders have then had to weather not just an examination of their policies, but a ridicule of their personas. It’s pretty much why you can bet on Keir Starmer leaving his post before Boris Johnson does his.
Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise that the conservative press in the UK dislike Labour Leaders. They have their bias and that’s natural. However, their magnification of petty or irrelevant issues is, at times, so obviously partisan it defies decency. One of the reasons online betting sites in the UK like Bet365 give shorter odds for a bet on Keir Starmer leaving before Boris Johnson is the press. They’ve already homed in on Keir Starmers biggest weakness. His personality. Or lack of one.
The Press Bash A Personality That Isn’t There
Don’t bet on Keir Starmer then challenging at the next election. Chances are he’ll not last that long. The press are doing to him what they did to Michael Foot, pilloried for staying warm at the Cenotaph. The same as they did to Neil Kinnock as he walked, and then fell over, on a beach in Brighton. As for their roasting of Jeremy Corbyn, those shadows still hang heavy over the party. They replaced someone on the fringe with someone so middle of the road he’s been run over.
Odds On Boris Johnson Exit Date
- 2021 – 5/2
- 2022 – 5/1
- After 2023 – 17/20
- After 2022 – 1/4
- More stats at bet365…
You can bet on the Labour Party being a little dismayed. They went from an unelectable buffoon to an unelectable swot. No one argues Keir Starmer isn’t intelligent. There are no takers for a bet on Keir Starmer being unable to do the job of PM. It’s just you can bet on the Conservatives to point out Starmer doesn’t actually have a personality at all. Anyone in the UK gambling laws of common sense would render this irrelevant need think again. The press lap this sort of thing up.

Bet On Keir Starmer Winning At Bet365
Jeremy Corbyn had too much and now you can bet on Keir Starmer having too little. Labour Leaders just can’t win. The UK media leap with equal glee and abandon upon both maladies. Once this was just irksome, now, with Boris Johnson at the helm, it’s plain insulting. You can bet on Boris Johnson making a fool of himself and Britain on a daily basis. The press all but ignore that, alas. Indeed the more often the PM does it the harsher the press become on his opposition.
Odds On Keir Starmer Exit Date
- Pre-2023 – 21/10
- 2024 – 15/8
- After 2025 – 6/5
The odds on the Labour Party at the next election should be far shorter. After their disgraceful mismanagement of Brexit and the health crisis the odds on the Conservatives should have drifted. They haven’t. The press carefully rallying patriotism from disaster, portraying the Labour Party as the issue, and not the actual issues. Boris Johnson then is, of the two, a better bet in the longevity stakes, although that in of itself is akin to a bet on sports in the UK backing Italy to win the Six Nations.
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We take a look why there’s a good reason to bet on Keir Starmer losing his leadership position before Boris Johnson loses his.