Latest Online Gambling News on Weird in United-states

Unlucky and Lucky Numbers

Unlucky and Lucky Numbers

Jonathan March 25, 2020 11:01:24

Unlucky and lucky numbers are everywhere. Whenever Friday the 13th comes around we can grab a machete and run around pretending to be Jason Voorhees, who drowned as a boy at Camp Crystal Lake. Many people today think that  the day itself is unlucky. The most common reason given is that the number is "incomplete". Some say that the origins of this come from the Code of Hammurabi, which is one of the world’s oldest legal documents. It has an error in which, for unknown reasons, it omitted a 13th rule from its list. Other people say that the ancient Sumerians, believed the number 12 to be a “perfect” number. People naturally think of the apostles, the months of the year and the signs of the zodiac. For some, the sense of dread from that particular date is palpable. Let's look around the world for some other numbers that carry the weight of superstition along with either bad or good luck.

The Gambler’s Fallacy

The Gambler’s Fallacy

Jonathan March 24, 2020 17:56:12

The gambler's fallacy, simply put, is the belief that past events can somehow have an influence on future ones, that are absolutely different from them in reality. An example for the gambler is if a coin landed on it's heads twice in a row, then it should land on it's tails for the third toss. Some people believe that if a certain event already occurred a certain number of times, then this same event will happen less in the future. Other hold the converse belief, that the same event will occur more frequently in the future. They are all nuts!

Discover Horoscope Gambling Strategies Based On Your Sign

Discover Horoscope Gambling Strategies Based On Your Sign

Olena March 24, 2020 16:11:16

How horoscope gambling strategies can help you win? Believe it or not, there is a connection between your sign and the way you gamble. You might have noticed that there was always some kind of mystery in your life that you couldn’t explain. Well, you should try to turn to astrology as it uncovers secrets about you, your personality and strongest sides which you can use in gambling.

Best Horoscope Lotto Strategies: Numbers Magic

Best Horoscope Lotto Strategies: Numbers Magic

Olena March 23, 2020 11:31:49

Usage of your favorite numbers while playing the lottery can be life-changing as it is one of the best horoscope lotto strategies ever. If you don’t know how your birth date can help you win, we are here to reveal all secrets.

Zodiac Signs and Gambling: How to Choose a Game Based on Your Sign?

Zodiac Signs and Gambling: How to Choose a Game Based on Your Sign?

Olena March 20, 2020 09:17:50

Zodiac signs and gambling have more in common that you suppose. They can help you to win money playing online games, if you choose the right game that matches with your astrological sign. Don’t you want to know what casino game you should play to have fortune on your side?

The 8 Weirdest Casino Locations In the World

The 8 Weirdest Casino Locations In the World

Meruyert March 16, 2020 15:21:35

Nowadays, the gambling market competition is so tough that even great land-based casinos have to offer something special in order to survive. Casino owners try to come up with unique concepts, ideas, and locations for their facilities. W866e have prepared the list of 8 weirdest casino locations you should definitely visit.

Bet on Pope Francis to Win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020

Bet on Pope Francis to Win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020

Casimir March 6, 2020 17:34:58

The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize is closer day by day. While everyone expects the victory of Greta Thunberg, we have a different point of view. Based on the latest news, a bet on Pope Francis to win the act this year seems to be the most sensible wager. His great good-deeds that he just did for the refugees and how he translates the interests of humanity to the language of the Catholic Church and love is a way more admirable endeavor than anyone else's achievements.

The Most Botched Poker Robbery in Europe

The Most Botched Poker Robbery in Europe

Jonathan February 28, 2020 12:43:00

Because the playing of poker is synonymous with gambling and therefore money, it should come as no surprise that there are some bad people waiting in the wings to relieve the players of their hard won cash. But if you're thinking of carrying out a poker robbery, then have a look at these poor efforts and up your plans accordingly.

Goal Joy Goes Wrong – Excessive Demonstration of Goal Joy

Goal Joy Goes Wrong – Excessive Demonstration of Goal Joy

Peter K. February 24, 2020 16:16:31

Scoring a goal in football is the time of ultimate glory. However, there are some times when goal joy goes wrong. At the time of scoring, the football player is feeling that all his hard work of practicing and training bears its fruitful results. And at this magical point with the high of dopamine and adrenaline sportsman are celebrating. But sometimes they push it too far. There are many occasions when goal celebrating goes too far. Most of the times the result is some in-game penalty. Sometimes it's a big amount of cash penalty and there are also cases that are ending in tragedy.

The Best Zodiac Sign For Gambling: Who Is The Luckiest?

The Best Zodiac Sign For Gambling: Who Is The Luckiest?

Kateryna February 17, 2020 11:39:15

Which zodiac sign are you? This question may sound silly in the 21st century. More and more people believe in science rather than in horoscope. However, most of us have always noticed something inexplicable and mysterious that interferes with our lives. What can it be? There is an assumption that many events in our life depend on the location of planets and stars on the day we were born. Besides, a lot of people believe that your horoscope matters. Thus, we happened to find some interesting and useful information about the best zodiac sign for gambling.