UK Lottery Laws May Face Revision As Government Talks Tough
Posted: September 22, 2020
Updated: September 22, 2020
Leaks Tout Big Reforms With Boris Johnson’s Backing
UK Lottery Laws Governing Lotto Agent May Change
10 Downing Street Takes Control Of Gambling Review

Akin to many governments under the unique pressures of 2020, the Boris Johnson administration in the UK is floundering. Their sudden desire to make sweeping reforms to UK gambling laws is thus a little suspect. Especially as “insiders” tell us Dominic Cummings is eager for the changes. Is this to be a realistic updating of regulation or chasing of cheap populism? So hard to know. However, regular seekers of progressive jackpot lotteries at Lotto Agent may find UK lottery laws changing soon.
Boris Johnson is under siege from the circumstance. Between Brexit and the ongoing health crisis, he faces challenges about which he can do little. It is thus necessary for his government to find things they can tackle. Or at least appear to tackle. Gambling is low hanging fruit. An emotive subject few understand properly which is easy to demonize in the popular rightwing press. It’s classic conservative bread-and-butter. UK lottery laws are thus likely to face a shake-up this autumn.
They will release the review of gambling in the coming weeks and as usual, there already rumors. Whispers from those close to the PM and his inner circle suggest this will involve a major overhaul. UK lottery laws changing significantly will not come as good news to those seeking the best lottery to play at Lotto Agent. British gambling laws have always been liberal any reversal of that for mere political diversion is a little galling. The system might need change but like this?
Gambling A Political Football Again
“The PM just sees it as people being exploited,” Said one Conservative MP without a trace of irony. “And it’s not him.” Presumably, the British Prime Minister is not upset he isn’t the one doing the exploiting. He wants change. And it’s not just him. The 2005 Gambling Act, which lays out UK lottery laws, has other enemies too. Dominic Cummings, the power behind the throne, and Munira Mirza (head of the Number 10 policy unit) to name just two. That’s bad.
“It’s time for action.”
- Lord Foster of Bath
These are the people guiding the party, the government, and thus the nation. With so many U-turns recently, they’ll fight hard. Another would look bad. Thus, persuading them of the error in their approach, or even the details of legislation, could be tricky. So, UK lottery laws effecting even the best lottery jackpots are at the mercy of a government in trouble. Desperate for headline-grabbing reform they could well go too far. They’d not be first to fall victim to over-correction.

Lotto Agent Awaits Changes To UK Lottery Laws
“Given that we have a third of a million problem gamblers,” explained Lord Foster, “including some 55,000 children, and one gambling-related suicide every day, action is urgently needed.” As chairman of the Lords select committee on the subject, he may have a point. He’s not alone. The Peers For Gambling Reform are also pressing for change to UK lottery laws, and indeed all gambling legislation. The political momentum now seems unstoppable. The good times are over.
“The amount of exposure which children receive from advertisements for gambling on social media and television is profoundly worrying.”
- Lord Butler of Brockwell
You can expect even the best lotto jackpot reviews to have an opinion and state it. This will be a battle fought out in the media but is already a done deal. Sites like Lotto Agent will merely have to accept the outcome. There will be the usual delaying tactics from the industry. They’ll make dire predictions of doom for sports, for instance, if advertising is threatened. Their problem is that in face of 2020 and all the doom it dishes up, their pleas will seem awfully unimportant to most.
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UK lottery laws face a major shakeup as the Conservative government looks to improve its public standing.