Useful Phrases for the Casino


Posted: December 18, 2019

Updated: December 20, 2019

  • Understand what the croupier is saying
  • Pay attention to the game at hand
  • Don't forget your winnings!

Here are some useful phrases for the casino. When you think of a casino like Free Spin Casino, James Bond is probably the first person to come to mind. Roulette is probably the first game. Though the rules of the game appear to be very simple there’s actually a lot more going on. It’s hiding in the jargon.

Introduction: Useful Phrases for the Casino

It’s the same with all the other games on offer at Free Spin Casino. Gamblers have their own language, idioms and phrases. You’ll be needing to keep your wits about you, so as not to miss a play simply because you didn’t understand the terms. Here are some basis useful phrases for the casino.

 casino etiquette, gambling online,, online gambling, online gaming, phrases for the casino, place your bets, useful phrases for the casino
 Do not say, “Get your bleeding hands off my chips”

Chips with Everything

Pinching & Past Posting – A prime example of cheating. Just don’t do it! Pinching is when you remove your chips from the table after taking a loss. Past Posting is a late bet after the winner has been announced.

Wheel Checks / Wheel Chips / Roulette Chips – Special roulette chips that are not colored according to their value. So the dealer can follow which chips belong to which player, he gives out different colors.

“Can I Have 2 Stacks of Color, Please?” – “Color” refers to a special chip. A “Stack” is a pile of color chips. A “Full Stack” equals 20 chips. Buy in to a big stack at one of these online casinos in the US.

“Color Up” – Before leaving the table you should exchange lower value chips with higher denominated ones.

“Can I Have 2 Ponies, Please?” – Mainly used in sports betting, a pony equals £25

“Can I Cash These Chips In?”/”Cash Me In, Please?” – The night is over. You’re ready to take your winnings home. Of to the cashier to exchange the colored plastic for cash. This is one of the most useful phrases for the casino.

 casino etiquette, gambling online,, online gambling, online gaming, phrases for the casino, place your bets, useful phrases for the casino
 Remember to tip!

Useful Phrases for the Casino : Betting Etiquette

“Place Your Bets!” – Whatever the game, be it poker, blackjack, roulette or baccarat, this universal phrase from the croupier means that the round is open. You have a limited time to place your bets.

“Final Bets!” – The available time to participate in the present round is drawing to a close. Either place you bet now, or you’ll need to wait for the next round.

“No More Bets!” – The round is closed. You’ll be needing to wait for the next one. There’s always an open table at one of these online casinos in the US.

“Is This Table Open?” – Common sense. If the table is closed, ask when it will be open again.

“What’s the Minimum”/”Maximum Bet?” – As a new player at the table and you can’t see the betting limits displayed, then ask the dealer.

If you lose, then there’s always: “F*********************K!”

And to drown your sorrows, a “Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred

For a complete guide of all gambling terms please check out the glossary at

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