The Walking Dead: Gambler’s Edition


Posted: June 8, 2015

Updated: October 6, 2017

What kind of gamblers would Rick and Daryl be? If you enjoy binging on The Walking Dead in your free-time,you’ll love this special series.

Once you’re hooked on The Walking Dead, you know it’s going to be a long-term relationship.

• Rick would quickly catch on
• Michonne in underground casinos
• Lori would play alone

It has a massive viewership of almost 16 million in the US alone, and people are completely devoted to it. It is packed with action, the setting is post-apocalyptic and there are some many zombies that the extra-sector is booming. It would be interesting, however, to see how each of our cherished characters would act in a casino scene (not after the world has ended, obviously.)

We start a series where we speculate how each of the best known characters would behave at the green tables, what you could expect if you went up against them in a US poker room, or played blackjack against a certain “korean_glenn_89” or “hershel1937” at one of your favorite sites.

Since there’s precious little (and dramaturgically dosed) information about their back stories, there is no telling if Rick was the poker shark of the King’s County sheriff office, or Carol escaped from her abused home to playing slots in a local Indian casino. Did Michonne play bingo from her art-filled home before she turned into the katana wielding amazon we like so much? Did Hershel bet on the horses he loved so much while at university?

From what we know let’s try to construct a fictional gambler’s profile for each of them. You might argue that they have changed after the outbreak, became more focused, ruthless or careful. In my opinion that could be true about almost any other respect of life, save gambling.

In our soft, civilized (pre-apocalyptic?) world it is in a dimly lit card room, or immersed in an online casino, that we truly show our personalities. Gambling with high stakes is the only adrenaline rushed, mind focusing activity in peacetime, that can be compared to living in an undead world. Our survivors only became who they truly had been, even if masked by society’s standards – but they would have always gambled this way.

Do you agree with our profiles? What is your gambling personality? Does it match your favorite character’s, of those you could identify with the most? Maybe you aren’t the person you thought yourself to be, or it is time to pick a new hero for yourself!

Spoiler Alert!

Rick Grimes

Rick Grimes Walking Dead holding a gun

Who other to start with than the mastermind of the group? Although I guess he wouldn’t feel too comfortable in a luxury casino, he would be the one who would catch on to how to play a game most easily.

Daryl Dixon

Daryl Dixon Walking Dead

Okay, I’ll say out loud what many of us are thinking: if Daryl is killed off, I’m never watching the show again. And it’s not because of his huge biceps, either. His gruff attitude and lifesaving skills have made him the best character in TV show history ever.

Stay with us, return as we keep expanding our list of profiles of our most admired characters (and despised villains), let’s see how the rest of them would behave as gamblers, playing on mobile casinos, or at live games.



When I grow up, I want to be like her. She is the ultimate amazon. I can imagine her in underground US poker rooms kicking everyone’s ass at the game. People would be afraid of her, and nobody would be able to read her expressions.

Glenn Rhee


Ah, Glenn. The boy with a golden heart. He would sacrifice his life to save his friends and family and often gets into sticky situations because of this. He is so selfless that he would probably feel bad if he won and would hand over his winnings to someone in need.

Maggie Greene


Glenn’s wife and the residential “hot-chick-who-also-knows-how-to-kill-zombies by-stabbing-them-in-the-head.” She and her family play a pivotal part in the show, with their faith in God that sometimes gives hope to the whole group.

Hershel Greene

Well, I always call him kick-ass Santa. He used to be a vet (which proved incredibly helpful in many cases,) and was a character with a huge heart. He used to be the go-to guy for everyone with a problem, be it physical or emotional. He was killed by The Governor during the midseason finale of Season 4.

Carol Peletier


She used to be a victim of abuse, lost her kid and has had an awful life all over. But she is the best example of someone “manning up” and doing what need to be done. I think she’s the character who has changed the most so far on the show. And she is one of those who have the most chance of survival.

The Governor


Evil. Pure evil. Hateful, wicked, violent psycho. As the Governor of Woodbury, he lead the inhabitants with wonderful propaganda, but kept her turned daughter in a closet while she rotted away slowly. This guy is truly a masterpiece of psychological craziness. Died shortly after he killed Hershel. Take that, you spawn of Satan!

Lori Grimes


Ugh. I know, you hate her, too. From the first moment I saw her in the show, I hated her. I couldn’t put a finger on why back then, but now I know. She whined, she nagged and she thought the world evolves around her. Thank God they killed her off the show.

Beth Greene


Was a sweetheart. She’s the one who would be intimidated by the crowd at a casino, so she would rather surf mobile betting sites. She sang, she babysat and was always the fragile one, up until her last couple of episodes in Season 5, that is. She goes out kicking ass.

Shane Walsh


Well, this guy had some issues, that’s for sure. Sometimes he was the good guy, saving others here and there. Other times, however, he would go insane. Totally, utterly, mad. With crazy-eyes and everything. Killing for no reason, having outbursts and pouting all over the place. Dead, too.



At first, we didn’t trust him. Now we do, but truth be told, we still don’t know an awful lot about him other than the fact that he has amazing people’s skills and that he’s gay. He recruited Rick and the gang to the safe community Alexandria. A likable character, can’t wait to see what his real role in the show is.

So, here they all are. Our most admired characters in the best TV show ever. Let’s see how they would behave as gamblers, playing on mobile casinos, or at live games.

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