Latest Online Gambling News on Politics in United-states

Sanders Rightfully Ahead at 2020 Texas Democratic Primary Odds

Sanders Rightfully Ahead at 2020 Texas Democratic Primary Odds

Anas February 28, 2020 11:14:00

The delegate-rich state of Texas is getting a lot of attention from the Democrats running for president. It is the second-largest state to hold the Democratic primary on Super Tuesday, March 03. The winner will effectively become the frontrunner for the presidential nomination. According to 2020 Texas Democratic primary odds, the unpredictability still prevails, but Sanders is for sure gaining momentum.

West Virginia Greyhound Racing Faces Extinction

West Virginia Greyhound Racing Faces Extinction

Jonathan February 18, 2020 11:37:51

As the crooner Frank Sinatra sings in My Way, "And now, the end is near, And so I face the final curtain", it looks like greyhound racing faces extinction in West Virginia. Financial support for the industry is passing through the Senate, and it's not looking good for the dog and track owners, along with the punters.

UKGC Considers £2 Online Slots-Cap

UKGC Considers £2 Online Slots-Cap

Jonathan February 17, 2020 15:55:34

The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), the country’s gaming regulator, said that it was actively exploring the idea of a £2 online slots-cap. On this news some of the UK's largest betting companies saw their shares take a hammering.

North Korea Casino Goals Tumble

North Korea Casino Goals Tumble

Jonathan February 17, 2020 14:21:24

So, apparently North Korea wants to grow it's tourist industry. Now there's an oxymoron! The Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un is desperate for foreign cash. To that end he is determined to push forwards the development of integrated resorts. But reasons beyond even his control have seen North Korea casino goals tumble.

Dems May Bet On Michael Bloomberg To Be The Next President

Dems May Bet On Michael Bloomberg To Be The Next President

Nich Moore February 13, 2020 13:26:15

He’s promised $2 billion to the campaign even if he’s not the nominee. Currently, around 2/1 at online betting sites in the US like Bovada, he might not be. Certainly few seem to have bet on Michael Bloomberg to be the next President just yet. Cutting an individual path towards power, he’s playing an unorthodox game. This may be precisely what the democrats need to do to beat Donald Trump. Until Super Tuesday, however, we won’t know for sure, and neither will Mike.

Odds On The Democratic Nominee Harden After New Hampshire

Odds On The Democratic Nominee Harden After New Hampshire

Nich Moore February 13, 2020 13:02:49

After the disaster at the Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire took on a new significance. Already a vital stop on the campaign trail for the candidates it now became the new beginning. At least for some. To look at online betting sites in the US like Bovada, for some others, it was probably the end. The concrete results in New Hampshire have given the odds on the Democratic Nominee some substance. However, as the usual suspects vie for position there’s still a lurking unknown.

Women Winning Chess – The Story of the Polgar Sisters

Women Winning Chess – The Story of the Polgar Sisters

Peter K. February 12, 2020 12:43:41

Susan Polgar is an outstanding chessplayer. She is playing chess since she was four and become the first woman to be a Grandmaster in chess history. However, she was not the most successful of the Polgar's. The great achievement of the sisters was thanks to their father's experiment. Women winning in chess at these levels were more than rare. She was born into a block of flats in Budapest. Their financial situation wasn't pretty well at the time. Her father was a pedagogue and he had an idea to make a so-called experiment. His main thesis was that geniuses are not accidentally born, but they are made. He said that people are specialized in a certain direction from a very early age they can achieve outstanding results.

Joe Biden Remains the Frontrunner at South Carolina Primary 2020 Odds

Joe Biden Remains the Frontrunner at South Carolina Primary 2020 Odds

Anas February 11, 2020 13:10:30

South Carolina Democratic presidential primary will take place on February 29. Eight candidates seek to win the top spot according to South Carolina Primary 2020 odds. There is a wide consensus that the former vice president Joe Biden remains the frontrunner. However, you should keep in mind that around half of the potential voters might still change their minds.

Trump Homeland Security Picks: From The Waterboarding To Deporting

Trump Homeland Security Picks: From The Waterboarding To Deporting

Kateryna February 11, 2020 10:12:06

The US President Donald Trump began to strengthen security in the country immediately after winning the elections in 2017. Now he is convinced that he will go for a second term and continue to fulfill his duties. But which new measures to strengthen US security is Donald Trump ready to implement? And what is hidden behind the “enhanced interrogation techniques”? Online gambling sites in the USA have already started offering bets on Trump homeland security picks. 

Donald Trump Narcissism Special Bets- Trump Name to Become a Brand

Donald Trump Narcissism Special Bets- Trump Name to Become a Brand

Shiza February 7, 2020 17:40:01

The 45th President of America is someone everyone knows. President Trump is so famous that in Carl Sagan's Cosmic Calendar, Trump becoming President is considered as a milestone event. Apart from politics, Trump holds a special place on social media, in the form of memes. The entire world may have known Trump after his presidency, but America was aware of the Orange-faced caricature of a human long before that. Donald Trump narcissism special bets will elaborate more on the unique life-style choices that Trump makes.