Latest Online Gambling News on Politics in United-states

Croatian President – the Real World Cup Star

Croatian President – the Real World Cup Star

Toni July 20, 2018 08:54:28

Croatia’s President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic made her presence well known during the 2018 World Cup final that saw the thrilling encounter end with her country defeat 4-2 at the hands of France.

The Odds On Leaving The EU Remain High For Some Countries

The Odds On Leaving The EU Remain High For Some Countries

Nich Moore July 11, 2018 11:09:38

Brexit might have sent Britain into the sort of nose dive of despair that even manically depressed lemmings would think an over-reaction but that hasn't deterred the anti-EU parties and factions across the continent who'd like to see their own nations part ways with the superstate, but just which countries have the highest odds on leaving the EU and should you really echew that traditional bet on sports in Europe to wager on them leaving at sites like Unibet online? We take a look.

Has Britain’s Bet On Brexit Brought Forward A General Election?

Has Britain’s Bet On Brexit Brought Forward A General Election?

Nich Moore July 11, 2018 08:47:57

The bizarre British bet on Brexit has led to the inevitable crisis as Remainers and Brexiteers battle it out over the details of this hugely complex procedure that was never destined to be pleasant. Nigel Farage might have made a mint, David Cameron might be enjoying Wimbledon, and England might be doing well in the World Cup, but the behind-the-scenes drama has now exploded over the front page and created some very interesting wagers at sites like Bet365 on just who'll survive this implosion.